Inventory Warehouses Warehouse Explorer
The Warehouse Explorer (continued)
Warehouse Menu Tree (continued)
Parts Menu Option - Right-Click Options
Load Parts to Grid - This option is typically used when setting up a new Warehouse. The User has the ability to copy the entire parts list from another warehouse into the currently viewed warehouse. When this option is selected, a list of all active warehouses will be listed from which to select. This option is typically used when setting up a new Technician warehouse and the new warehouse will contain all of the same parts as another Technician warehouse. Using this option eliminates the process of having to access each individual part and linking the new warehouse to the part.
Stock Adjustment - Selecting this option will open the Stock Adjustment form for the lowest alpha-numeric part number on the parts list to perform a stock adjustment. If the User is not adjusting the stock for this part, they will need to highlight a part in the Active Pane, right-click then select the Stock Adjustment option to adjust that part.
Refresh Tree - Selecting this option will refresh all information displayed in the Active Pane.
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