Job Management Job Invoicing Job Invoice Definitions
Job Invoice Definitions (continued)
Job Invoice - Header Section (continued)
Aging Date - The Aging Date will automatically be filled in based on the default Term Code on the Invoice. The User has the option of overriding this date. This is the date on which the invoice will begin to age. Consult with your accounting manager before changing this default date.
Invoice Date - The Invoice Date will default to today's date. The User may override this date if necessary; only dates which are in an open accounting period will be permitted.
Invoice Number - The Invoice Number is automatically assigned and may not be changed.
PO# - If a PO# was entered on the Job Work Order form, this value will default into this field. You may not manually type in a PO# into this field. If you need to have a PO# print on the customer invoice, you will need to close the invoice form, enter the PO# on the Job Work Order form, then return to the Job Invoicing.
Job # - The Job Number will automatically fill in. The Job Number may not be modified.
Term - The Term Code will default to the term code on the customer record. The User may select a different term code from the drop-down list if special terms are being used for this Job Invoice.
Salesperson - The Salesperson will automatically fill in with the Salesperson assigned to the Job on the Job Work Order form. This field is typically not modified.