Closing a Job
The instructions in this section apply to closing all Job Types except Hold Back types. Follow the link below for instructions on closing a Hold Back Job.
Note: The first Job Closing form requires the User to select
which parts installed on the Job will become a part of the
permanent system equipment list. The person closing the Job
should have the knowledge regarding parts to be able to perform
this operation.
Many SedonaOffice customers hold a weekly Job Closing meeting where representatives from operations and accounting gather to review the profitability of Jobs to be closed and actually perform the Job Closing.
To Close all Job Types except Hold Back Jobs, follow the instructions below.
Note: All Job Tasks must be approved and all materials issued to be able to close the Job.
1. Open the Job to be closed.
2. From the Job toolbar, press the Tasks button. At the lower left of the Tasks form press the Close Job button.
3. The Load Equipment form will be displayed. At the top of the form enter the date on which the equipment was installed then press the Save button located at the lower right of the form.