Job Management  Reopening a Closed Job

Reopening a Job

Once a Job has been closed, it is possible to re-open the Job for the purpose of creating a change order to add or remove parts, charges, etc. or to apply additional labor timesheets or other costs to the Job.  The User must be granted permissions through User Group Security to be able to re-open a Job.  Follow the instructions below to re-open a closed Job.

1.  From the Main Application Menu navigate to Job Management and select the Job Queue menu option.

2.  The Open Job List will be displayed.  At the top of the form, press the drop-down arrow in the Job Status filter field and select the status of Closed.


3.  A list of all closed Jobs will be displayed.  Locate the Job to be re-opened and double-click on the Job line to open the Job record.

4.  From the Job toolbar, press the Tasks button.  Press the Re-Open Job button located at the lower right of the form.




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