Payroll Setup (continued)
Earnings Type
The Earnings Type is a required field on each employee record contained in a Payroll Batch. The Earnings Types of Commissions, Overtime, Regular Pay and Salary are delivered with the SedonaOffice software and may not be modified. You may add additional Earnings Types to the list if needed, such as Holiday Pay, Sick Pay, etc.
If your company has purchased the export functionality and will be exporting a payroll file to one of the Payroll Companies supported by SedonaOffice, Earnings Types must be setup and mapped to with Payroll Company setup. A SedonaOffice support representative will assist you in this setup.
For each Earnings Type added, the User must select the GL Account, whether the earnings type is for Salaried employees, Hourly employees, or both, and select whether the earnings type is entered as hours or a dollar amount.