Sales Management Prospects Send Prospect Information to QuoteWerks
Send Prospect Information to QuoteWerks (continued)
4. The QuoteWerks list will be displayed. Press the New button located at the lower right of the QuoteWerks form.
5. The QuoteWerks Login form will be displayed; enter the User Name and Password to login to the QuoteWerks application.
6. The QuoteWerks application will open to a new Quote on the Documents Items tab. Navigate to the Sold To/Ship To tab.
7. The Name, address, telephone numbers, email address will automatically fill into the three Name/Address sections of the Sold To/Ship To form. The three Name/Address sections have a special purpose when importing back into SedonaOffice as a new Customer and Site. The System and Site sections should contain the Name/Address information of where equipment will be installed. The Customer section should contain the Bill To information.
8. The Salesperson will develop the quotation according to company policies and procedures.
9. Once the sale is closed, the Salesperson will open the Quote and mark it as an Order. While the Quote is open, from the Main Menu at the top of the QuoteWerks application select File/Convert to Order.
10. Once the Quote has been converted into an order, it will appear in the SedonaOffice Job/QuoteWerks Orders to Process List.