Sales Management Opportunities Opportunity List Definitions

Definitions of the Opportunity List (continued)

Opportunity List Filters

Each filter available is listed and described below.

Sales Department - Each Salesperson is assigned to one or multiple Sales Departments.  When a new Prospect is created this is a required field.  Your company may have one or multiple Sales Departments.  The User may filter the Opportunity list by selecting a single Sales Department from the drop-down list.  The default is All Sales Departments.  Your company creates the list of Sales Departments available for selection.  Sales Department codes are created and maintained in SedonaSetup.

Salesperson - Each Prospect is assigned to a Primary Salesperson and an optional 2nd Salesperson.  This filter only works with the Primary Salesperson assigned to the Prospect.  The User may filter the Opportunity list by selecting a single Salesperson from the drop-down list.  The default is All Salespeople.

Status - A Status is a required field on each Opportunity record.  The Status is designed to describe where the Opportunity is in the Sales Cycle.  The User may filter the Opportunity list by selecting a single Status code from the drop-down list.  The default is All Statuses.  Your company creates the list of Statuses available for selection.  Status codes are created and maintained in SedonaSetup.

Source - The Source is a required field on each Opportunity record.  The Source is designed to describe how the Prospect heard about your company.  The User may filter the Opportunity list by selecting a single Source code from the drop-down list.  The default is All Sources.  Your company creates the list of Sources available for selection.  Source codes are created and maintained in SedonaSetup.

Date Range - There are two date field filters provided to search for Opportunity records created within a date range.  The first date field is used as the from date and the second date field is used as the to date.




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