Job Management                                Purchasing Parts and Expense Items                               Ordering Parts from a Job

Ordering Parts from a Job record

SedonaOffice provides an automated process of ordering parts for Jobs. Parts are selected and added to the Materials form of each Job requiring parts.  Each part added is linked to a Primary Vendor.  The automated ordering process will auto-fill a suggested PO with all the parts on the Material List that are linked to the Primary Vendor.  Prior to generating Purchase Orders, Users should first issue parts from stock that are available.

Follow the steps below to create a Purchase Order for Parts from a Job record.

1.  Open the Job record from the Job Queue.

2.  Once the Job record is displayed, click the Tools button on the Job toolbar, then click the Purchase Orders button on the Tools Toolbar.

3.  To create a Purchase Order, position the mouse in the white area of the Purchase Orders form, right-click then select the Create PO option. 


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