Job Management                                Purchasing Parts and Expense Items                                Purchase Orders from Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders from Accounts Payable (continued)

Ordering Expense Items

Expense items such as subcontractor services, equipment rentals, permits and fees, etc. may be ordered for a Job from the Accounts Payable module.  Follow the steps below to create an Expense type Purchase Order.

1.  From the Main Application Menu navigate to Accounts Payable and select the Purchase Orders menu option.

2.  The Purchase Order List will be displayed.  Click the New button located at the lower right of the form.

3.  The New Purchase Order form will be displayed.  After selecting the Vendor, either type in the Job number or click the lookup button to the right of the Job Number field to lookup the correct Job number for the PO.  Check the Direct Expense checkbox located at the upper right of the form.


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