Job Management                                Job Invoicing                                          Hold Back Invoicing Overview

Hold Back Invoicing Overview

Hold Backs (sometimes referred to as Retainage or Retention) are typically used on government or general contractor type jobs where the customer requires your company to withhold a certain percentage of each invoice and then invoice for all amounts withheld some time after the customer has accepted the work as being completed to their satisfaction; normally this is 30 days after the completion of the Job.  SedonaOffice provides the functionality to accomplish this by creating a special fields on the Job Type setup and a field on the Job Work Order form for this purpose.

When a Job is invoiced using the Hold Back method, the application will create an invoice for the total amount of the charges and also insert a credit line on the invoice for the holdback percentage amount.  The Hold Back amounts may be invoiced to the customer through the Job at any time desired or may be invoiced during the Job closing process.

Hold Back invoicing may only be accomplished if there is a value in the HoldBack % field of the Job Work Order form and the required fields on the Job Type setup form (in SedonaSetup) have been populated. 

Continue on to the next page for Setup instructions.



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