Job Management                                Job Planner                               Job Planner Functionality

Scheduling Requested Tasks

Once we have genuine Requests displayed in the Requests Tree, there are a number of ways we can schedule them. 

Important: The “Schedule By Drop Date” option affects all drag-and-drop operations.  This option means precisely what it says: When the box is checked, the “dropped” Task will be scheduled beginning on the date it was dropped, and when it is not checked, it gets scheduled on the “Request Date”.

The request scheduling methods are given below:

·Dragging the Request Task Block from the Gantt Chart to the SedonaSchedule Schedule Board.

·Double-clicking the Request Task Block (Note that this requires that an installer be selected in the Installer Availability Control.)

·Dragging the Request from the Requests Tree to the SedonaSchedule Schedule Board.

·Dragging the Request from the Requests Tree to the Installer Availability area of the Job Planner.

·Double-clicking the Request in the Requests Tree (Note that this requires that an installer be selected in the Installer Availability area).

The Job appointments created by the Job Planner are based on the Task length of the scheduled Task, as well as the Install Company of the Job.  (Whether the Install Company works Saturdays and/or Sundays, as well as their daily start and end times determine the appointments created by the Job Planner.)

When scheduling Tasks in the Job Planner, you are not able to split a multi-appointment Task amongst multiple Installers.  All appointments for a Task will be assigned to a single Installer.  If this is not desired, simply drag-and-drop the appointments on the SedonaSchedule Schedule Board.

After the request has been scheduled, the request is removed from the Requests Tree, the Task block on the Gantt Chart turns to yellow and moves to the slot on which it was scheduled, and the Installer Availability Control is refreshed.

Important: Once a scheduling action is committed by the user, the Job Planner no longer “tracks” the appointments it created.  This means that moving appointment dates or changing installers or deleting appointments will not be “known” to the Job Planner.



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