Job Management                                Job Planner                               Job Planner Functionality

Making and Submitting Requests

The Job Planner deals with two types of requests: Session Requests and (actual) Requests.  Session Requests do not exist in the database—only in the memory of the User’s computer.  Clicking the Reload button (or restarting SedonaSchedule) will remove all Session Requests.

The User creates Session Requests by right-clicking on a Task within the Gantt Chart and selecting “Request For Task” or “Request All Incomplete For Job” from the right-click menu options.  Selecting the right-click option Request All Incomplete For Job, creates a Session Request for all Tasks in the Job Task List (Job record) that have not been approved.  The Task block color will change to pink, and the Task’s information will appear in a row in the Session Requests Grid (See Session Requests Grid).  You may remove any Request by right-clicking on a Request or Session Request Task block within the Gantt Chart and selecting the Remove Request option or you may highlight the Request within the Sessions Request Grid then click the Remove Selected Session    button on the Session Request Taskbar.

Important: When a Task has been requested or scheduled, it becomes frozen; the User can no longer drag its schedule time on the Gantt Chart.  If the User requests the Task again, a Session Task is created, which appears as a purple Task block on the Gantt Chart.  Session Tasks can be dragged and requested, and are volatile like Session Requests.

In the Job Planner, Requests (not Session Requests)are actually scheduled by the User.  Session Requests become Requests when the User submits them by clicking the Submit button   on the Session Request Taskbar.  Upon doing this, each Session Request in the Session Requests Grid moves to the Session Requests Tree (See Session Requests Grid and Requests Tree).  The red Task blocks on the Gantt Chart represent Requests, and these are the Tasks from which we create Job appointments.




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