Job Management                                Creating a New Job                               Creating a New Job from a QuoteWerks Order

Creating a New Job from a QuoteWerks Order - Overview

Jobs are created for a QuoteWerks quote from the Job Management Job Queue.  Jobs may be created for new customers, customers at an existing site or a new site for an existing customer; the process steps vary depending on the situation.  This section will describe the creation of a new Job in each of the following scenarios:


New Customer

Existing Customer/Existing Site/New System

Existing Customer/Existing Site/Existing System

Existing Customer/New Site/New System


Once a Quote in QuoteWerks has been converted to an Order, it will appear in a list of Orders to convert into Jobs in SedonaOffice.  This Orders list is accessed by clicking the QuoteWerks button located on the Job Queue button toolbar.  Only SedonaOffice customers subscribing to the QuoteWerks integration and have the QuoteWerks application installed at the workstation processing the Quote/Job will have this button displayed.

Initial Job Setup steps in this section will include:

·Customer Setup *

·Materials List

·Site Setup *

·Job Approvals

·Work Order

·Job Tasks

·Job System Setup

·Job Costing Estimate

·Install Charges


·Recurring Charges

·Custom Fields









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