SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Designed Functionality                      The Ribbon

The Ribbon (continued)

Arrangement Ribbon Group

Open Jobs List - Sorting, Filtering, Grouping (continued)


Within the Open Jobs List, you may view the jobs in Groups.  When using Groups the view of the Job List changes to a tree structure.  After creating a Group, each line displayed within the Job List may be expanded to show the Jobs that belong to that Group.

To create a Group, drag and drop the desired field to the gray Filter Bar located above the field names area of the Job List.  In the example below, we have Grouped the Jobs by Job Type.

To remove a Group and return to the full Job List view, drag the Group name displayed in the gray bar down into the list of Jobs.

When a Filter has been applied to one or more columns, a gold asterisk      will replace the Filter button.


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