Accounts Receivable Print Invoices How to Print Invoices
How to Print Invoices
Follow the instructions below to print a group of invoices listed in the Invoice Print Queue.
1. Navigate to the main application menu and select the Accounts Receivable / Print Invoices menu option.
2. The Select Invoices form will be displayed. This form contains several options from which the User may select to compile a list of invoices to be printed. The User may select one or a combination of options to arrive at the list of invoices to be printed. If the User clicks the Create List button without making any selections on this form, all invoices in the print queue except EFT Pending, BFIS Pending, Master Account invoices and any invoices dated beyond today’s date will appear in the Invoice Printing List. Each selection option found on the Select Invoices form will be described on the following pages of this topic section.
FRM 4045-1
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