Inspections Generating Inspection Tickets

  Generating Inspection Tickets

Once Inspection records have been setup for Systems, the Inspection Tickets may be generated.  Inspection tickets are considered a sub-set of Service Tickets, and are accessed from the Service Ticket Queue and processed within the Inspection Ticket Queue of the Service module. 

1.  Navigate to the Main Application menu and select the Service/Inspections menu option.

2.  The Service Inspections form will be displayed.  Select the Due As of Date and any other desired filters.

In the header area of this form are filters from which to select a particular listing of Inspection records.  Typically Inspection Tickets are selected and generated for Inspections which are due within the next 30 days. 


Due As of Date - select the desired date; all Inspections that are due on or prior to this date will display in the Inspections list in the lower area of the form.

Including Part - If a part is selected in this field, Inspection records will be searched to find the part within the list of equipment to be inspected setup on all inspection records.

For System Type - If tickets are to be generated for a particular system type, make a selection in this field.

For Svc Co - If your company is operating under multiple Service Companies, a single Service Company may be selected from the drop-down list.

3.  Once all selections have been made in the header area, press the Green Arrow to the right of the For Svc Co field.




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