Service Service Ticket Overview Billing Form
Billing Form Definitions
The Billing form is grayed-out until a billable resolution code has been selected on the Ticket form. The Billing form displays the charges automatically calculated by the application. Charges are calculated based upon the System Warranty Start Date, the System Warranty Code, and the Service Ticket Service Level.
Once a billable type Resolution Code is selected on the Service Ticket, the application goes through a series of checks to determine what charges will automatically be calculated to invoice the customer. If a System is within the Warranty period, the user has the option of overriding the Warranty and the Service Level, and may invoice the customer for charges. For more information on the automated process of determining how a Service Ticket will be invoiced, please refer to the topic link below.
If a non-billable type Resolution Code is selected, no charges will be calculated and the billing override options are not available for selection.
How Service Ticket Charges are Determined
The Billing form is divided into three sections; Billing Overrides, Invoice and Ticket Charges. Each of these Billing form section will be defined on the following pages.
Billing Overrides Invoice Ticket Charges