Service Service Ticket Overview Other
Other Form Definitions
The Other form is used to enter additional charges that are not parts or labor that will be invoiced to the customer; these charges are selected from the Invoice Item codes list. The Service Level setup has an available field for automatically adding an Other charge to any service ticket assigned to that Service Level. When the Service Ticket is created, the default Other charge will automatically be added to the ticket.
Other charges could be equipment rentals, miscellaneous hardware that is not setup has a part, fuel surcharges, shipping charges or any other charge that will be billed to the customer. Other charges may be entered for a negative unit price; this is typically used when a discount is being given to the customer.
The Other form is divided into two tiers; the upper tier displays previously saved Other charges and the lower tier is used to enter a new Other charges. When entering new Other charges, there are several fields will need to be selected or are auto-filled. Each field on the Other form will be described on the following pages.