Service Service Ticket Overview Other
Other Form Definitions (continued)
Data Entry Field Definitions
Item - The User will make a selection from the drop-down list for the Item to be invoiced to the customer.
Description - The description will automatically fill in after an Item Code is selected in the previous field. If the Item is billable to the customer, this description will print on the invoice. The description that defaults is that which is on the setup for the Item Code selected. The User may override this description if desired.
Quantity - The Quantity will default to 1; the User may change the quantity.
Unit Price - If the System is still under warranty and the warranty covers Other charges, the words "No Charge" will be displayed in this field. No Charge will also be displayed if the System is out of warranty but the Service Level assigned to the ticket covers Other charges. When the ticket is ready to be billed, the User may use the billing override options to invoice the customer for the Other charge if necessary. If a default sales price is setup for the Item Code selected, this amount will default into this field but may be overridden by the User if necessary.
Total Price - The total price is the calculation of quantity times the unit price.
Tax - If the Item Code selected is taxable, the applicable amount of tax will be displayed.