SedonaSetup Application Job Management Setup Tables/Options
Install Companies - Field Definitions
Install Company Setup
Install - Enter the code for the Installation Company.
Description - Enter the description.
Parts WIP - The G/L account which will used when parts are issued to a Job if the job type has been setup to use a material WIP account.
Misc WIP - The G/L account which will be used for non inventory related expenses.
Labor to G/L
If your company will be posting direct labor dollars to a job, check this box then select one of the two methods for expensing labor dollars to the general ledger
Expense at Time of Entry - If this button is selected, labor will be expensed to the Labor expense account selected below when labor timesheets are posted to a job.
Expense through WIP account - If this button is selected, labor will be posted to a Labor Work-In-Process account when labor timesheets are posted to a job.
· Labor Expense - Select the G/L expense account for labor.
· Labor Deferred If the Expense WIP account button was selected above, you will need to select the off-set G/L account for Labor Work In Process.
· Labor WIP - If the Expense through WIP account button was selected above, you will need to select the G/L account for Labor Work In Process.
This box is checked if you will be expensing Overhead dollars associated with direct labor expenses.
· Overhead Debit - Select the G/L account to debit.
· Overhead Credit - Select the G/L account to credit.
Overhead Type - % of Dollars - If this method is selected you will enter a percentage in the field Overhead Amount (below). When labor is posted using timesheet entry on the job, the system will calculate and post to the G/L, this percentage of each labor dollar expended.
Overhead Type – Flat (Amount per Unit) - If this method is selected you will enter a flat dollar rate in the field Overhead Amount (below). When labor is posted to a job using timesheet entry, the system will calculate and post to the G/L, this rate for each labor dollar expended.
Overhead Amount - Depending on the Overhead Type selected above, enter a percentage or flat rate.