SedonaSetup Application Job Management Setup Tables/Options
Installers - Installation Form
Install Company - Select the default Installation Company from the drop-down list to which the Installer/Technician is assigned.
Regular Pay Rate - Enter the employee’s pay rate for normal business hours. This may be the actual pay rate or a labor rate including burden. When timesheets are posted to a job for work performed, this rate is used for job costing on the job.
Overtime Pay Rate - Enter the employee’s pay rate for hours worked outside of your company’s normal business hours. This may be the actual overtime pay rate or a labor rate including burden. When timesheets are posted to a job for work performed, this rate is used for job costing on the job.
Holiday Pay Rate - Enter the employee’s pay rate for worked performed on a job that falls on a holiday. This may be the actual holiday pay rate or a labor rate including burden. When timesheets are posted to a job for work performed, this rate is used for job costing on the job.