SedonaSetup Application Service Setup Tables/Options
Setup Defaults (Service) Field Definitions
Labor To GL
If your company will be recording the actual labor dollars expended on service tickets to the general ledger, two options for expensing labor are available:
Expense at Time of Entry - if this option is selected, when dispatch times are entered for the Technician Appointment, the labor dollars will be posted to the General Ledger.
Expense through WIP (Work in Process) - If this option is selected, the labor will post to the Service Work in Process account. When the Service Ticket is invoiced, the amount posted to the WIP account will clear to the Labor expense account specified on this form. The labor dollars recorded to the general ledger will be the difference between the Technician arrival time (on site) and the departure time from the site, multiplied times the Technicians labor rate or the Override rate setup on this Service Company setup form.
Labor Expense Account – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the expense for the service labor.
Labor Deferred – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the deferred expense for the service labor. This is the offset account that is used when using WIP or Expensing at the time of entry.
Labor WIP – Select the G/L account that will be used when posting the service labor into WIP.
Inventory Processing
Use WIP for Service Parts – If this checkbox is selected, you will then select which G/L account the service parts cost will post to when parts are issued to a service ticket. If using WIP for service parts, this account will be credited and the Service COGS account will be debited either when the service ticket is invoiced or closed.
Service COGS – Select the G/L Account number from the drop-down list that will be used to record inventory part expense transactions to the general ledger for service.
Default To Expense Inventory – If this option is selected, inventory parts will be expensed for each service ticket. If this option is not selected, inventory parts will be expensed at the Service Company level.
When Invoiced – If the Expense Inventory on Service Tickets option was selected, by selecting this option, inventory parts will be expensed when the service ticket invoice is created. If this option is not selected, inventory parts will be expensed when the service ticket is closed.