Client Management How to Create a New Customer from a QuoteWerks Order

New Customer from QuoteWerks (continued)

Site Setup

7.  The information defaulted into most of the Site Setup fields was brought over from the information entered on the quote within the QuoteWerks application.  Review the information and make any necessary corrections to the data.  When finished, press the Custom Fields tab located to the right of the Site Setup tab.  If the Custom Fields tab is grayed-out or if the Custom Fields tab is not displayed, this indicates your company has elected not to use the Customer Custom Fields at this time.  If this is the case, proceed to step number 9.

8.  The Custom Fields form will be displayed.  This is an optional form for gathering information important to your company.  Make selections in the required fields and other optional fields according to your company policy and procedures.  Required fields are highlighted in yellow.  The User will not be able to save the Customer record until selections or data is entered into fields flagged as required.

9.  Once all information has been entered for the Customer, Site, and Custom Fields, press the Save button located at the lower right of the New Customer Setup form.  The User will be presented with a message confirming they are ready to save the new customer; press the Yes button to accept.




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