Client Management How to Create a New Customer from a QuoteWerks Order

New Customer from QuoteWerks (continued)

Job System Form

11.  The Job System form will be displayed.  Fill in the data entry fields according to your company policy and procedures.  Once this form is completed, press the Apply button located at the lower right of the System form.


12.  Once the System form has been saved, the main job toolbar will fill with other options.  Typically at this point, the User converting the QuoteWerks order to a new Customer and Job will review the items defaulted in from QuoteWerks; Install Charges, Recurring Charges and Materials.  The remainder of processing and data entry functions of a Job is covered in the Job Management section of SedonaOffice Help.

After the new Customer and Job has been saved, additional information such as Contacts, additional Bill To records, Credit Card or ACH, Central Station Tracking information may be added to the customer at this time.



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