Client Management Collections Understanding the Collection Queue
Understanding the Collection Queue (continued)
Include Late Fees in Amount Due – If your company is calculating and printing late fees on customer statements or on one of the Invoice/Statement invoice forms, this option should be selected. Any Late Fees assessed to the customer account will be included in the customer’s Amount Due column. If the User wants to see how much the customer owes not including Late Fees, this option may be toggled on or off at any time. Late Fees are a good negotiation tool in attempting to collect customer payments.
At the lower left of the Collection Queue there are two display fields; Total Due and Quantity. The Total Due is the total amount due for all customers listed in the collection queue. The Quantity is the count of all customers listed in the Collection Queue. If the Include Late Fee Amounts option is selected in the header area of the Collection Queue, the Total Due will include the total of all Late Fees on all customers in the queue.
When a line is highlighted in the collection list, the name, address and phone number of the customer will be displayed in the header section of the Collection Queue. The Total Amount due in invoices, the Total Amount of Credits and any Late Fees on the customer account is also displayed in the header section.