Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Creating a Discount Recurring Line

Discount Recurring Line

Negative Recurring lines may be created to track services that are discounted to a customer or for services that are being provided to a customer at no charge.  Discounts may continue indefinitely or may be given for a certain period of time.  These limited discounts may be used when your company offers free services for a certain period of time, then begin invoicing at the customer without a discount on a future date.  Instructions for each of these situations are provided below.

Note:  The total amount of discount recurring lines may not exceed the positive value recurring lines.  If the total of the discount and non-discount recurring lines nets to zero, a cycle invoice will be created during the Cycle Invoicing process with a net due amount of zero.

1.  Open the Customer Explorer record for which a new discount recurring line will be created.

2.  From the Customer Tree, expanded the customer tree below the Site and System where the recurring line will be setup.  Highlight the Recurring option within the System tree; right-click and select the New Recurring option.

3.  The New Recurring Item form will be displayed as shown below.  Enter the information according to your company policies and procedures except in the RMR amount field enter a negative amount then press the Save button located at the lower right of the form.  If this is to be a permanent discount for the customer, this is the end of your process steps.  If the discount will end on a future date, continue on to step 4 on the next page.




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