Client Management Customer Explorer RMR Management Editing a Recurring Line

Editing a Recurring Line

Once a Recurring Line has been created some of the data fields may be edited and saved.  Below is a list of the fields that may be edited or modified.  The recurring line fields that may not be edited or changed are RMR Amount, Cycle Amount, Next Cycle Date, and Recurring Start Date.  If a data entry error was made when entering the Recurring Start Date and/or Cycle Start Date or RMR amount and an invoice has not yet been created and posted for the recurring line, the User may delete the recurring line and re-enter it, if the User has the proper security permissions.  If the recurring line has already been invoiced, the User will have to cancel the recurring line then create a new recurring line with the correct information.  This may involve crediting off the invoice that was created with the incorrect recurring line setup information.

Recurring Line Fields that may be Edited or Modified

BillTo                                        Rate Increase (Date)

Recurring Item                    Override %

Description                              PO Number

Sub Item Of                              PO Expires

Bill Cycle                              Reference

Memo                                        Comments

Renewal (Date)

To Edit an existing Recurring Line, follow the instructions below.

1.  Open the Customer Explorer record for which a recurring line will be edited.




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