Client Management Company Rate Change Create a Rate Change - Items with % Increase

Create a Rate Change - Item Codes Method % Increase (continued)


The Customers form displays the customer number, site name, the Invoice Item code, the current monthly rate, the amount the recurring will be increased and a column displaying the new monthly rate that will go into effect if the batch is posted.  A total of all proposed rate increases is displayed at the bottom of the form.

A list of all recurring lines will be listed that are eligible for a rate increase according to your selection criteria from Setup Information, Branch selections and Item code selections.  You may review the list to make any further exclusion determinations.  If recurring lines are on the list and you do not want to rate change them, you would need to enter a date in one of the evaluation date fields that would eliminate the customer recurring line(s) from the batch.  After making changes to any customer, system or recurring dates, you would then return to this Customer form and press the Get Customers button to refresh the list.  You may do this as many times as you desire until you have the desired list of customer recurring lines to rate increase.

Once you are satisfied with the results and are ready to post the rate increases, proceed to the Post Rate Change form.



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