Accounts Receivable EFT Processing Bank Setup

Customer Bank Setup (continued)

Name on Account – Type in the name of the account holder.

Account Number – Type in the bank account number.

Checking or Savings – Select the button that applies to this bank account.

Payment Method – Select EFT from the drop-down list.

Use for Auto Processing – if this option is selected, cycle invoices will automatically be paid by debiting the bank account being set up.  If the Use for Auto Processing option is left un-selected, the bank account will be kept on file for use when paying single invoices with the bank account.

Note:  If a credit card or another bank account was setup on this customer’s account and is marked as Use for Auto Processing and the User selects this bank account to be used for auto processing, the other credit card or bank auto processing flag will be removed when this new bank record is saved.

Print Cycle Invoices – if the Use for Auto Processing option was selected the Print Cycle Invoices option will be displayed.  If the customer requires a printed copy of their cycle invoice, select this option.  If the customer does not want a printed copy of the cycle invoice, do not select this option.

Auto Process Hold Day – If the Use for Auto Processing option was selected above, make a selection from the drop-down list which determines the day of the month an auto payment may be processed.

Note: The default hold day is set to the value of 1; if day number 1 is selected, the application will use the hold date that was selected in the ACH Hold Date field of the Cycle Invoicing Process form.

Once all information is entered, press the Apply button located at the lower left of the form.


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