Accounts Receivable Credit Memos Credit Form Memo Definition
Credit Memo Form Definition (continued)
Credit Memo Header (continued)
Tax Group – Once the customer has been selected, this field will automatically populate with the Tax Group assigned to the site for which the Credit Memo is being created. The Tax Group may be overridden if necessary.
Credit Date – The credit date will default to the date you are creating the Credit Memo, however the User may this change to any date that is in an open accounting period.
Branch – The branch will automatically default to the branch associated with the site.
PO Number – This field is typically not used unless the PO for the invoice to which the Credit Memo is being applied needs to be referenced.
Warehouse – If generating a Credit Memo for Parts, the User must select a Warehouse to which the Parts will be returned.
Credit Type - Miscellaneous is the default for this field. For credit memos that are for recurring services or service ticket charges, select either Cycle Bill or Service as the Credit Type.
Salesperson – Once the customer has been selected, this field will automatically default to the Salesperson assigned to the Customer. This field may be overridden if necessary.