General Ledger GL Query Builder Understanding the GLQB Report Query Designer
Understanding the GL Query Builder (continued)
Report Query Results – Once a query design is complete the User will press the Refresh Results button located at the lower left of the GLQB Designer form. The results of the requested data will be displayed in this grid area.
When designing report queries it is important to understand how data is linked and stored in the SedonaOffice database.
The Database Explorer is a utility available on the SedonaOffice website which provides a roadmap to the design of the SedonaOffice database. This utility illustrates which fields in which tables are linked to each other and provides other valuable information that is extremely useful in understanding the data table structures and relationships. It is highly recommended all Users that will be designing report queries review this utility first. This utility should be considered recommended reading. The Database Explorer may be downloaded from this page of the SedonaOffice website: