General Ledger  GL Query Builder  CQB Design Elements  Data Groups

Understanding the GL Query Builder (continued)

Data Groups

The Data Groups displayed in the Report Query Design form allow the creation of reports based on many data elements.  The list of Data Groups displayed pertains to data which is related to transactions posted to the GL;  the Register, G/L Accounts, Accounting Periods, Reference Information and Branches.  If a User takes the time to review the Database Explorer they will find there are fields in a data tables that are not listed in any GLQB Data Group; this is by design.  From time to time the GLQB is enhanced to add additional fields; when this occurs mention is made in the Release Notice for the software version where the enhancement was made.  Please read each release notice to keep current on any new field additions to the GLQB. 

When the tree of a Data Group is expanded, all the fields available to include on a report are listed below the Data Group name.  Some of the field names are quite long; a horizontal scroll bar is provided at the bottom of the Data Groups to display more of the field name. Fields to be included on the report are selected by double-clicking on the field name or by dragging the field name into the Fields to Display area of the Report Designer.

In the illustration below the Register Data Group has been expanded.




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