General Ledger  Reconcile Bank Account

Reconcile a Bank Account (continued)

If the number of items to reconcile is quite lengthy and there is not enough time to finish the reconciliation, the User may press the Finish Later button located at the lower right of the form and continue at a later date.  All payments and deposits marked as cleared will be saved when pressing the Finish Later button.

1.  Navigate to the General Ledger module from the Main Application Menu and select the Reconcile Bank Account option.

2.  The Reconcile Bank Account form will be displayed.  This form is divided into three major areas.  Along the left side of the form are data entry fields and totals at the bottom that are automatically calculated as payments and deposits are marked as reconciled.  The Payments area will display a list of all credits posted to the bank account; A/P Checks and any journal entries manually posted.  The Deposits area displays a list of all debits posted to the bank account; customer payments and any journal entries manually posted.

Make the appropriate entries and selections according to the instructions on the following pages.




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