General Ledger Reconcile Bank Account
Reconcile a Bank Account (continued)
Data Entry Fields
3. On the left side of the form make the appropriate selections.
Account - Select the bank account being reconciled from the drop-down list.
Activity As of Date - Enter the closing date from your bank statement.
Last Ending - This field will automatically fill in the the last ending balance from the previous Bank Reconciliation. If this is the first month the bank account has been reconciled, this amount will default to zero. This field cannot be modified.
Prior Cleared - This field will default to the same amount as the last ending value. If the amounts in Last Ending and Prior cleared do not match, contact the SedonaOffice Support desk for assistance.
Ending Statement - Enter the amount your bank statement ending balance less any checks that have not cleared plus any deposits that did not display on the bank statement.
Service Fees - If your bank has charged a service fee for maintaining your bank account, fill in the information into the fields of this section; otherwise do not make any entries into this section.
· Amount - Enter the amount of the service fees charged by your bank listed on your bank statement.
· Date - Enter the date of the service fee; typically this is the statement ending date.
· GL Account - Select the GL Account from the drop-down list for the expense.
· Category - Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down list; typically this is G & A.
Interest - If your bank has credited your bank account for an interest payment, fill in the information into the fields of this section; otherwise do not make any entries into this section.
· Amount - Enter the amount of the interest listed on your bank statement.
· Date - Enter the date the interest was applied to your bank account; typically this is the statement ending date.
· GL Account - Select the GL Account from the drop-down list for the interest income.
· Category - Select the appropriate Category from the drop-down list; typically this is G & A.