General Ledger  Reconcile Bank Account  Correcting Deposits

Reconcile a Bank Account - Correcting Deposits

Bank Deposit is a higher amount than the SedonaOffice Customer Check

If your bank processed a check for an amount higher than what your customer check deposit shows in SedonaOffice, you will need to do one of two things:

a.  Contact the Customer and see if the customer would like a refund check for the bank overpayment.

b.  Contact the Customer and notify them of the overpayment and let them know you will create a credit on their account for the amount of the overpayment which will be applied to outstanding or future invoices.

Regardless of which option is selected above, you will need to Create a payment for the Customer for the amount of the bank overpayment. 

If your Customer has agreed to accept a credit on their account, process the payment through Payment Processing using the date of the original check written by the customer.  Save the payment as unapplied cash.

If your company will be issuing the Customer a refund check for the overpayment amount, apply the payment to Unapplied Cash on the Other application form in the Payment Processing form.  Make certain to use the date of the original customer payment.  After the payment batch is deposited (make certain to use the date of the original payment), the User will need to Apply the unapplied cash to a Refund Check (Other tab).  In the application date field make certain to select the date of the original customer payment so this item will be listed on the current bank reconciliation form.  The User will then print the refund check to mail to the customer.



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