General Ledger  Reconcile Bank Account  Correcting Deposits

Reconcile a Bank Account - Correcting Deposits (continued)

Bank Deposit is a lower amount than the SedonaOffice Customer Check

If your bank processed a check for an amount lower than what your customer check deposit shows in SedonaOffice, you will need to do two things:

1.  Reverse the deposit of original payment batch in which the short-paid check was deposited, change the check amount to the amount processed by the bank, then redeposit the batch with the original posting date.

2.  Create a Miscellaneous Invoice on the Customer's account for the amount short-paid by the bank.  Before creating the invoice on the Customer's account, you must first setup an Invoice Item in SedonaSetup to use for Bank Over/Under Payments.  When creating the Invoice Item, instead of using an income account in the account field, use the GL Account created for Bank Over/Under Payments.

When creating the Miscellaneous invoice, select the Invoice Item for Bank Over/Under Payments.  Date the invoice the same date as the date of the original payment date; the amount will be the amount your bank under-paid the check.  Naturally you should contact your customer to let them know you are aware of the the banking error.



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