Inventory Return to Vendor

Return to Vendor (continued)

Header Section

Direct Expense Option

Vendor - Select the Vendor from the drop-down list to whom the parts are being returned.

Category - Select the appropriate Category Code from the drop-down list.

Direct Expense - If parts were originally received as a Direct Expense, select this option.

Reference - Typically the return authorization number provided by the Vendor is entered into this field.

Branch - Select the appropriate Branch from the drop-down list.

Receive Date - Enter the date the parts are being returned.

Costing - If the parts being returned to the Vendor are from a Job and a return to stock transaction has not yet been performed to return the parts to the warehouse, entered the Job number; otherwise do not make an entry into this field.

COGS Acct - Select the appropriate Cost of Goods Sold account that will be credited.




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