Job Management Job Management Setup Job Management Setup Tables & Options
Commission Types
The Commission Type setup table is used to define categories for which commissions may be paid to a salesperson. Each commission type code is identified as being one of five types: Recurring, Non-Recurring, Estimated Gross Profit, Gross Profit or Other. These commission types are used in Job Management to calculate commissions based on one or more of the types of sales elements entered on a Job.
Commission types of Non-Recurring will use the dollar basis for the commission calculation as the total of all Installation charges and Materials (if materials are invoiced separately) entered for the job.
Commission types of Recurring will use the dollar basis for the commission calculation as the total of all RMR entered for the job.
Commission types of Other will not display a dollar basis for the commission calculation; the user may enter any amount for the basis of the commission calculation.
Commission types of EP (Estimated Profit) calculate the commission based the estimated profitability of the Job; Total of Install Charges plus Material Charges less the total estimated costs of Material, Labor, Overhead, and Other.
Commission types of GP (Gross Profit) calculate the commission based the actual profitability of the Job; Total of Install Charges plus Material Charges invoiced to the customer less the total actual costs of Material, Labor, Overhead, and Other.
Follow the topic links below for details on other Job Management Setup Table/Options.
Setup Processing (JM)* Job Type* Job Expense Type* Branch* Install Company* Installer* Warehouse*
Prevailing Wage* Salesperson Project Manager Job Status Labor Tasks Job Approval Groups Commission Types