Job Management  Job Queue

The Job Queue Defined (continued)

Upper Function Buttons

There are six function buttons located at the upper left of the Open Job List form, each of which is listed below.

  All Jobs - Pressing this button will display a list of all Jobs that are in process.

  Ready to Invoice - Pressing this button will display a list of all Jobs which are ready to be Invoiced.

  Unscheduled Jobs - Pressing this button will display a list of Jobs that have not been scheduled on the Job Schedule Board.

  Schedule - Pressing this button will open the Job Schedule Board.  Scheduled Jobs may be viewed or a new Schedule for a Job may be created from this form.

  Appointment Summary - Pressing this button will open the Appointment Summary.  Scheduled Jobs may be viewed or a new Appointment for a Job may be created from this form.

  QuoteWerks Orders to Process - Pressing this button will display a list of all Jobs ready to process into Jobs.  This button is only displayed for SedonaOffice customers who have purchased the add-on QuoteWerks integration.



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