Job Management  Job Invoicing  Progress Invoicing

Percentage Invoicing Overview

Percentage Invoicing Job Types are typically used on government or general contractor type jobs where under the terms of your customer contract, your company is required to invoice a percentage of the total contract amount in phases.  SedonaOffice provides the functionality to meet this requirement within the Job Type setup.  To be able to use this invoicing method, the Job Type must be flagged as a Percentage Invoicing Type in SedonaSetup.  For more information on setting up Percentage Invoicing Job Types, please refer to the SedonaSetup topic folder / Job Type Details (page 2).

When creating a new job and selecting a Job Type which is flagged for Percentage Invoicing, the User will need to navigate to the Job Tasks form to review the default invoicing percentages.  If your contract with your customer dictates the invoicing is different than the default percentages on the defaulted task lines, the User must make the modifications prior to generating the first invoice for the Job.  Please refer to the next page of an example of a Job Task List for a Percentage Invoicing Job Type.

Once the first task which has the Invoice Flag set to Y has been approved, the first percentage invoice may be generated.  In the example provided, the first invoice will be generated for 10% of the total installation charges. 

On the first percentage invoice, the RMR (if any) will automatically be billed on the invoice.  If you do not want to start billing for recurring services at this time, make certain to un-check the Bill RMR checkbox.

As the job progresses and additional invoicing tasks are approved, additional Job Invoices may be generated until the job is completely billed.  Typically on the last invoice, the RMR charges are invoiced, however the User may choose to do this on any percentage invoice.



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