Sales Management Prospects Prospects List Definitions

Definitions of the Prospects List

The Prospects List which is commonly referred to as the Prospect Queue, is a listing of all Prospects in process.  As Prospects are sold or lost and inactivated, they drop off the list.  Once a Prospect has been inactivated, it still remains in the database.  Inactive Prospects may be viewed from the Prospects List by selecting the Show Inactive option.

The Prospects List contains columns of information in a grid with basic information related to each Prospect record, has selectable filters located at the top of the form and contains function buttons at the top of the form.  The Filters are used to display a list of Prospects that meet the filter criteria selected.  For example if only the Prospects created with a particular lead Source are to be viewed, the User will make a selection from the Sources filter.  Only the Prospects with the lead Source selected will be displayed in the grid area.

A the lower right of the Prospects List is a count of how many Prospects are contained in the list currently being viewed.

Each column within the Prospect List, the Filter options and Function buttons will be described in this section.





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