Job Management                                Creating a New Job                               Creating a New Job Manually

Creating a New Job Manually

Creating a Job manually begins from the Customer Explorer.  Prior to creating the Job, the User must first perform the appropriate setup of a Customer/Site/System.

If the Job is being created for a new Customer - Create the Customer, Site and System records first.

If the Job is being created for a new Site for an existing Customer - Open the Customer Explorer record for the Customer and create the Site and System records.

If the Job being created is for a new System on an existing Customer Site - Open the Customer Explorer record for the Customer and create the new System within the appropriate Site tree.

Initial Job Setup steps in this section will include the items listed below.

Work Order

Install Charges

Job Costing Estimate

Job System Setup

Recurring Charges


Job Approvals

Materials List

Custom Fields

Once the initial data entry of a Job has been completed other Job functions are typically performed by the Operations department of a company.  Below are links to detail instructions for the other functional areas of Job Management.

The Job Queue

Job Approvals

Job Phases

Job Purchasing

Issue/Return Parts

Scheduling Installer Appointments

Job Timesheets

Job Notes

Job Documents

Job Templates

Printing a Job Ticket

Job Change Orders

Job Invoicing/Credits

Closing a Job

Re-Opening a Job

Job Sales Reversal



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