Job Management Job Planner Job Planner Functionality
The Gantt Chart (continued)
·Normal Task (Blue): Tasks which have no special status. These Tasks can be dragged and requested.
·Billable Task (Green): These Tasks are Normal Tasks which are billable, and can be dragged and requested.
·Non-Labor Task (Gray): When a User sets a Task length to zero, it’s considered a non-labor Task. These signify Tasks in a Job which would not normally be scheduled to an installer, for example administrative Tasks. Nevertheless, they can be dragged and requested. They can also be excluded from the Gantt Chart (See General Settings).
·Session Request Task (Pink): Any Task for which the User has made a session request. These Tasks are locked (or frozen), and cannot be dragged, but the User can make a second request on them. Session Requests appear in the Session Request Grid area of the Job Planner. Session Requests do not exist in the database; they are part of the “session”, i.e. what the User is currently working on. The User can remove Session Requests. Exiting SedonaSchedule, or clicking Reload on the Gantt Chart Taskbar will remove all Session Requests. Finally, Session Requests can be “submitted” [for Scheduling] by clicking the Submit Sessions Request button
on Session Request Taskbar, which causes them to become “real” requests.
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