SedonaSetup Application  Accounts Receivable Setup Tables/Options

A/R Setup Processing Option Definitions


Next Invoice - Sedona will automatically number your customer invoices consecutively.  You will need to enter your the starting invoice number.  You may first want to find the highest invoice number from your legacy system; you should set this number much higher so that you will be able to tell where your new invoices in Sedona began.

Auto Job Number / Next Job Number – If implementing the Job Management module, you have the option of allowing Sedona to automatically assign a job number or you may manually enter your own job numbers.  By checking the Auto Job Number box, Sedona will populate the Job Number field of an installation job.  Your first job number will be the number entered in the Next Job Number field on this form.  Subsequent jobs created will increment the job number by the value of one.  If you elect to enter your own job numbers, leave the Auto Job Number box un-checked.

Auto Customer / Next Customer - You have the option of allowing Sedona to automatically assign a Customer number to each of your customer accounts, or you may manually assign your own Customer numbers.  By checking the Auto Customer box, Sedona will populate the Customer Number field of each new customer record. Your first Customer number will be the number entered in the Next Customer field on this form.  If you elect to enter your own Customer numbers, leave the Auto Customer box un-checked.  Manually entered customer numbers may be numeric or alpha-numeric or all alpha characters.  The maximum number of characters allowable for a customer number is 15.

Require System Account - If this option is selected, the User will be required to enter a value in the System Account field of the System data entry form.  The system account is commonly referred to as the central station account number.

Require Unique System Account Company Wide - If this option is selected, the System Account field value entered must be a unique value for each System record.



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