SedonaSetup Application  Accounts Receivable Setup Tables/Options

A/R Setup Processing Option Definitions


GL Categories Required for Income and Expenses – If this option is selected, a user will be required to select a valid Category code prior to posting a transaction.  It is highly recommended this option be selected.  This will provide consistent reporting in your G/L reports. 

Activate Customer Group Security by User – If this option is selected, each customer record must be assigned to a Customer Group.  You must first set up records in the Customer Group Setup table to enable this option.

Enable Activity Tracking – If this option is selected, a form will be displayed to the User to enter a comment when certain activities are performed.  Such activities include re-printing and invoice, changing customer information etc.  The User has the option of closing the comment form without entering information however the activity is still saved to the customer Sedona Event Log.  This information cannot be deleted and is viewable by selecting the Sedona Event Log menu item on the customer tree within the Customer Explorer.

Screen Employee by Type – Each employee in the Employee setup table is assigned an employee type.  In several data entry forms, all employees will display from the drop-down list from which the User will make a selection.  If the field is the Salesperson field and you only want to see a list of only employees that are assigned a type of salesperson, then you would want to activate this option.

Allow Site Only RMR – By selecting this option, the User would be able to create a recurring line at the site level.  This means the User could set up a recurring line without first creating a System record.

Group Deferred Revenue By - This feature allows you to select how you want the Deferred Income posted to the General Ledger when Deferred Income Process is run.



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