SedonaSetup Application  Accounts Receivable Setup Tables/Options

A/R Setup Processing Option Definitions

Invoicing and Credits

Cycle Beginning Day – This option pertains to the method SedonaOffice will use in billing your customers for recurring services.  Two options are available; First Day of Month or Day of Service Start.

If First Day of Month is selected, the customer’s recurring charges will always be invoiced in full calendar months.  For example if the billing cycle is quarterly and the recurring start date is set to 06/15/2008 and the next cycle date is set to June 2008, the first cycle invoice will be generated from 06/15/08 through 08/31/08.  On the September 2008 cycle invoice the customer will be billed for the entire quarter.

If Day of Service is selected, the customer’s recurring charges will be billed starting on the date entered on the recurring line and continue in this fashion.  For example: the recurring start date is set to 06/15/2008.  The customer’s recurring invoice service period for a monthly cycle will be 06/15/2008 through 07/14/2008.  The next month’s invoice would cover 07/15/2008 through 08/14/2008 and so forth.

You must select one of the two options above, which is a global setting; all recurring services will be billed using the same method selected above.

Print Customer Number on Invoices and Statements – If this option is selected, the SedonaOffice billing customer number will be printed on all customer invoices and statements.

Allow Printed Invoices to be Edited – If this option is selected, a User who has the proper permissions will be able to edit invoices as long as the invoice date is in an open accounting period and no payments have been applied to the invoice.  If this option is not selected, once an invoice has been printed it will become locked and no changes to any of the information will be allowed. 

Enter Separate Posting Date for Invoices and Credits – Selecting this option will allow a User entering customer invoices or customer credit memos to select the date the item will post to the General Ledger.  The posting date selected must be in an accounting period with an open status.

Allow Direct Invoicing to Master Account – Selecting this option will enable a User to create an invoice and post directly to the Master Account.  If this option is not selected, you will only be able to create an invoice under one of the Subaccounts linked to the Master Account.

Use Credit Request Processing – Selecting this will activate the Credit Request approval process.  If this option is selected you will not be able to manually create a credit memo.

Require Credit Reason on Credit Memos – If this option is selected, a user will be required to select a Credit Reason when creating a credit memo or credit request.



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