Client Management Company Rate Change Create a Rate Change - Items with Flat Rate

Create a Rate Change - Item Codes Flat Rate Increase

This Company Rate Change method describes how to setup and post a Company Rate Change batch using one specific amount for different Invoice Item codes.  For example you may want to increase all recurring lines with the Item code of Monitoring by $1.50 per month.  Further you may only want to increase customer with this item code that currently have a monthly rate of at least $24.95 per month and up to $29.95 per month.  Or you may only want to increase monthly rates that are currently at $24.95 per month by $1.50 per month.  Using this method you can accomplish any of these scenarios plus much more by setting the rate change options in the correct manner to accomplish your desired rate increase.

Once you create a new Company Rate Change batch, you may save it and continue working with the batch making changes up until the point the batch has been posted.  Once a batch has been posted, no further changes can be made to the batch, however you may view posted batches by selecting the checkbox at the bottom of the Company Rate Change List ‘Include Posted Increases’.


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