Client Management Company Rate Change Create a Rate Change - Items with Flat Rate

Create a Rate Change - Item Codes Flat Rate Increase (continued)

Setup Information

Effective Date – select from the drop-down list the month and year the rate change will become effective.

Use Item Codes – select this option button.

Increase or Decrease – Most typically you will select the Increase button.

Percentage or Flat Amount – Select the Flat Amount button.

Set All Items / Amount – Select the checkbox, select all items, then enter the default amount that will be used to increase recurring lines. 

Customer Types – select Commercial, Residential or Both.  Only customers with the type selected will be eligible for a rate change.

RMR Minimum – If you only want to include customers with a particular minimum monthly rate, then enter that amount in this field.  Example: if you may have some customers for which you charge a very low rate, such as $1.00 per month and do not want to increase those recurring lines.  If you enter $1.01 as the RMR minimum, those recurring lines less than $1.01 will be excluded from the batch.  You can also use this field in combination with the RMR Maximum amount to include a limited monthly rate range of customer recurring.

RMR Maximum – If you only want to include customers with a monthly rate up to a certain amount, then enter that amount in this field.  Example: If most of your customers have a monthly rate of 29.95 but a few that are above that amount and you do not want to increase those that are currently above 29.95 per month, then you would enter 29.95 in this field.  You can use this field in combination with the RMR Minimum amount to include a limited monthly rate range of customer recurring.


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