Client Management Company Rate Change Create a Rate Change Batch - Items with Import List
Create a Rate Change - Item Codes with Imported Customer List (continued)
Import List
The import file may contain several columns of information, however the first column of this file must contain the customer number. This imported customer list may be used as the basis of customers to be included or excluded from the Company Rate Change batch. If using an imported customer list as the basis for including customers, only the customers on the list with eligible recurring lines will be included in the Company Rate Change batch. If selecting the option of excluding customers which are on the imported list, any recurring lines associated with a customer on the list will be excluded from the Company Rate Change batch.
From the Import List form press the Import File button located at the lower right of the form. Select the file from the directory and select Open.
Include Imported Customers – By selecting this option, only the customers on the list with eligible recurring lines will be included in the Company Rate Change batch.