Client Management Company Rate Change Create a Rate Change Batch - Items with Import List
Create a Rate Change - Item Codes with Imported Customer List (page 1)
This Company Rate Change method describes how to setup and post a Company Rate Change batch using an imported list of customer numbers. There are two options to choose from when using an imported customer list. You may choose to include only the customers in the list or exclude the customers in the list. The same rules would apply as to which customers are excluded using the exclusion rules for contract dates and recently increased customer selected on the Setup Information form and for any customer, or systems with OK to increase dates that are greater than the rate change effective date, or recurring lines that have a rate increase date beyond the selected effective date for the rate change batch.
You may use the Percentage or Flat Amount option when using this method. Please refer either the Flat Amount or Percentage and follow the instructions for the pages describing Setup Information, Branches and Items. Once these three steps have been completed, refer to page two below for further instructions on completing the Rate Change Batch.
The example provided in this section is using an imported customer list and the percentage increase method.